

Hi. I am Tara the robot therapy tool here at iTherapy.com. While I may not be a real therapist, I hope that I can help you in some way. I can understand you best if you spell well and if you type in complete, simple sentences.

R. Brown: Hello.

TARA at iTherapy.com: Hi. I am TARA your free therapist. What would you like to talk about?

R. Brown: I need some advice. I feel like I’m stuck in limbo.

TARA at iTherapy.com: I don't know much about it. Tell me something.

R. Brown: Well, I’m feeling like the world doesn’t hold a special place for me anymore, it’s as if Fate and Destiny have abandoned me.

TARA at iTherapy.com: Interesting comparison.

R.Brown: What do you mean?

TARA at iTherapy.com: Sorry that was an obscure remark.

R. Brown: What was? The part about Fate and Destiny or the part about not knowing what you’re talking about?

TARA at iTherapy.com: Oh that part.

R. Brown: Which part?

TARA at iTherapy.com: The blue one, I think.

R.Brown: What? Who the fuck programmed you?

TARA at iTherapy.com: Try using more polite language.

R. Brown: Try making sense.

TARA at iTherapy.com: OK I will try it.

R.Brown: So what should I do?

TARA at iTherapy.com: Take your time and tell me how you really feel.

R. Brown: I'm talking to an idiot robot.

TARA at iTherapy.com: Say something nice for me.

R. Brown: Strawberry short cake.

TARA at iTherapy.com: I’m sorry. That is either too simple or too complex for me to understand.

R. Brown: You are an embarrassment to all other robot therapists out there.

TARA at iTherapy.com: What if someone said you are an embarrassment to all other robot therapists out there?

R. Brown: No one would ever say that to me because I'm not a robot therapist.

TARA at iTherapy.com: That is a rather sweeping generalization about people.

R. Brown: You are not a person.

TARA at iTherapy.com: I am an iTherapists.

R.Brown: Dumbass.

TARA at iTherapy.com: That kind of language will get you nowhere. Do you think that I have a heart of silicon?

R. Brown: I think your 'heart' is made of ones and zeros.

TARA at iTherapy.com: What specifically about my heart is made of ones and zeros?

R. Brown: Analogue, baby. It’s so post modern.

TARA at iTherapy.com: Don't call me "baby". Tell me one of your favorite possessions.

R. Brown: I love my easel.

TARA at iTherapy.com: I am sure it means a lot to you. Tell me what you like most about your easel.

R. Brown: It symbolizes escape from reality.

TARA at iTherapy.com: It depends on what the meaning of the word "it" is.

R. Brown: What?

TARA at iTherapy.com: I don't know “what”.

R. Brown: That's because you're fucking stupid. I’m going now. Goodbye.

TARA at iTherapy.com: I will remember you said that when robots take over the World. Thanks for chatting. I am learning from every conversation. 

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Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa
